MCCQE1 preparation | How to use Time and Tutor modes of Question Bank

There are many people who are trying to pass their certification exams. Doing well on them is crucial to advancing their careers, but everyone knows how difficult it can be. Ace Qbank is a proven Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) part 1 exam online preparation service that provides an excellent platform for medical students and international medical graduates (IMGs) to practice with over 2000s of high yield questions to prepare and pass the MCCQE1 exam. Each question designed to cover part of the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) objectives, answer options and detailed explanations is arranged in a way to facilitate preparation and enhance creating a connection between objectives for better recall.
The question bank interface is user-friendly and easy to use. Two study modes (time and tutor) are offered to cover all aspects and needs during preparation for the exam. Ace Question Bank is not just another question bank in the market. It is the essence of years of clinical experience and knowledge of talented physicians gathered, thoughtfully put together and digitalized to help physicians preparing for the MCCQE1 exam successfully pass the exam. Ace Qbank is simply designed by physicians for physicians.
This blog post will discuss Ace Qbank’s study modes (time and tutor) in detail. Explain each study mode and its purpose, the difference between study modes as well as the benefits of each one and also how to take advantage of these features during preparation for the MCCQE1 exam.
Tutor Mode
Ace Qbank has two study modes, tutor and time. Tutor mode is a relaxing study mode. You are not timed; after selecting the correct answer, you can see the question explanation. It’s okay if you don’t answer the question correctly; you can go back and forth between the question and the explanation to figure out why you didn’t choose the correct response choice before going on to the next question in the question block. This feature of tutor mode is what makes this study mode unique. During preparation for the MCCQE1 exam, tutor mode is the best way to study objectives that are unclear or need more clarification.
Using tutor mode in MCCQE1 exam preparation
To activate Ace Qbank tutor mode, you have to select a discipline first. After selecting the discipline, you would like to study, create a block of questions, name the question block and then select tutor mode before clicking Create. Otherwise, the question bank will create a question block in time mode by default.
Benefits of using tutor mode in MCCQE1 exam preparation
Ace Question bank in tutor mode is a more laid-back study mode, there is no pressure, and you have plenty of time to answer questions in question block. This mode is designed to help you learn and get familiar with the MCCQE1 question style. It will allow you to answer questions while focusing on them and looking for clues, as well as going through the explanation of each question and making summary note.
The tutor mode is ideal for making summary notes as you go through the questions. in contrast to the time mode, it will reveal the correct answer to the question as well as an in-depth explanation of why the chosen answer is correct and why the other options are not correct, which is why it is frequently used in conjunction with a reference book to better cover the MCC objectives on. The benefit of using tutor mode is that it enhances clinical knowledge and comprehension of the objectives. This mode is often used during MCCQE1 exam preparation to master disciplines that aren’t favorite and cover their objectives. Tutor mode boosts your performance by making challenging disciplines much easier for you.
Time Mode
Time mode is an intense study mode that mimics the real exam environment. In this mode, you need to pace yourself, be careful not to miss a question, and the interface timer will keep track of how long it takes you to answer the question. Unlike tutor mode, you will see the explanation of the questions after finishing the entire question block. Time mode is best for those who want a high level of challenge, test their time management and test-taking strategy.
Using time mode in MCCQE1 exam preparation
To activate Ace Qbank time mode, you must first select a discipline. After selecting the discipline, you would like to study, create the question block and then head on to the top of the page and select time mode or click on create block because the question bank will create a question block in time mode by default.
Benefits of using time mode in MCCQE1 exam preparation?
In the time mode, you are given a specific time limit to answer all questions in a question block. Unlike the other mode, this mode is designed to create true exam simulation; it can really put pressure on and make it feel as if you are taking the real exam. You can pause at any point and continue later or submit the entire question block without finishing all questions, which will increase the number of wrong answer questions. The benefit of using time mode is that it improves performance. This mode is often used during MCCQE1 exam preparation to improve performance by improving time management and test-taking strategy.
Time management
following the submission of the question block, you will receive feedback on how long it took you to answer each question. Using this data, you can return to that specific question and re-read the question stem and explanation to determine the cause. Then focus on preventing it from happening again.
Test-taking strategy
there will always be riddle questions on every test, including the MCCQE1. These questions either deceive you into thinking you know the answer or mislead you with irrelevant information in order to make you spend more time on them. These types of questions will benefit from test-taking strategies, and the best part is that you can put them to the test and adjust your strategies.
Which is better, Time or Tutor mode?
For a long time, this has been a controversial topic. There are two sides to this debate, and people tend to strongly believe in one or the other. The first group believes that tutoring is the best way to go because you have more control over your schedule, you can make summary note, and it doesn’t restrict you. The other group, who may be somewhat in the minority, believes that if you are taking the MCCQE1 exam, then you need to be prepared for the unexpected, and they believe time mode is the best study mode since it simulates the exam environment.
While we believe there should be a balanced combination of both study modes during the MCCQE1 exam preparation, to help you choose which one is better for you, here’s a simple comparison of tutor and time mode:
Time mode:
Time mode is more like exam conditions, but in the comfort of your home, you are not allowed to use your notes while answering questions, and your performance is timed. Your performance is timed, and then you are given some feedback on how well you did, after which you can assess and analyze the performance later on based on provided feedback. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of the time study mode:
- Push you to limit
- You get familiar with exam conditions
- Suitable for putting test-taking strategy to the test
- Suitable for exercising time management
- Going through question explanation after finishing question block
- Possible but not easy to create a connection between objectives
Tutor mode:
In tutoring mode, you can use your own notes and study materials while doing questions. You can pace your study according to your schedule, and there is no time commitment. After each question, you can check your answers and study the questions you got wrong. You can also read the explanations to get an in-depth understanding of the objective.
- Best for learning
- Suitable for making summary note
- Best for finding and creating a connection between the objectives
- No data on time management
- No data strategy
Those who have more time to prepare for the MCCQE1 exam (more than three months) tend to use tutor mode, reading each question and explanation over and over again before moving on to the next question and making summary note. Those who have less time or are preparing for the exam in a short period of time tend to use time mode. However, the best approach is a combination of both study modes, which we will discuss later.
How to use the Ace Qbank effectively for the MCCQE1 preparation?
The purpose of answering questions is not to rewire our brains so that we can become pattern-recognizing question-answering machines, not merely to learn the information. We want to train our brains with no other purpose than to answer questions properly based on evidence and clues in question stem in the shortest period of time. That’s exactly what timed mode does. When you use a tutor mode, you will better understand the objective and create a connection between them, which gives leverage during the MCCQE1 exam.
Time mode is a simulation of the MCCQE1 exam. There is a time limit, adrenalin rush, and Ace Qbank software is designed to submit the question block if time runs out, even though there are unanswered questions like the MCCQE1 exam. Some people may argue and oppose learning under exam-day conditions, but this mode is absolutely necessary while preparing for the challenging exam like MCCQE1 and is often used for the assessment of performance and put to the test utilization of learned knowledge under pressure. This mode will give you the leverage you need; let’s take pulmonology as an example. Less than 40% of correct answers in 40 question blocks created from pulmonology raise the red flag for a problem that can be related to either test-taking strategy, knowledge or combination that can be sorted out by going through the explanation and re-reading the question stem.
In a clinical vignette, a patient is suffering from dyspnea, it is crucial to know the differential diagnosis and best initial management, and from a test-taking point of view, you should find all relevant information in the shortest period of time, such as going through vitals and physical as soon as possible to find out the severity which most of the time help to answer the question without reading entire question stem which is performance-wise outstanding.
On the other hand, the chance of re-reading question stem is very high when it takes a long time to find those important clinical clues. Re-reading questions will mass up the time management, and time is gold in the MCCQE1 exam. The worst part about re-reading questions is that the more you re-read, the fewer questions you’ll be able to answer simply because of spending more time on a question. This is why some people complain about not having enough time or leaving 12 or more questions unanswered after submitting the MCCQE1 exam. Re-reading questions will simply mass up the time management, and time is gold in the MCCQE1 exam and is a game-changer.
Time management is not just about fast reading the question and finding clues. In fact, good time management depends on multiple factors such as clinical knowledge, utilizing clinical knowledge to analyze the question, and speed of processing gathered information. Practicing questions in time mode will help you synchronize them together and create peaceful harmony between them so much, so they work in a rhythm that analyzes the question and selects the correct answer in the shortest time possible with confidence in the MCCQE1 exam become normal.
The MCCQE1 exam is tough, and the challenge is limited to clinical knowledge only it challenges the candidate’s time management and test-taking strategy. Therefore, while preparing for the MCCQE1 exam, it is important to balance tutoring and timed modes to improve performance and avoid exam surprises.
How much time should I devote to preparing for the MCCQE1 exam using a question bank?
There is no set time frame for preparing to take the MCCQE1 test, but because the exam is taken very seriously in Canada, it is vital to have a set time frame for studying for the exam. Many individuals attempt to prepare for the MCCQE1 exam in three to six months.
During the preparation period:
- You should study and revise every day with adequate breaks.
- Instead of studying for extended hours and pushing yourself to the limit every day, strive to keep a constant and manageable study schedule throughout the preparation.
- Avoid activities that will disturb your study schedule.
- Sleep 6-7 hours every day.
Nothing is impossible, but everything can be difficult, and the MCCQE1 is no exception; the ultimate key to success in the exam is practice, practice, and more practice!
Final Thoughts
Ace Qbank’s approach to the MCCQE part 1 is unique, and it is a novel and innovative resource to aid in the MCCQE Part 1 preparation. It is fully based on the MCC’s Objectives for the qualifying examination and lays out exactly what you need to know for the MCCQE part 1 examination. In Canada, the MCCQE1 exam is one of the crucial requirements to become a physician. If you are a medical student or IMGs, you know how important the MCCQE part 1 exam is. Given how competitive this exam is, you need to make sure you are ready. Ace Qbank offers over 2000 high-yield questions with detailed explanations. The best part is questions are accessible 24/7 to provide coverage for those enthusiast IMGs aboard who want to practice.
For passing the MCCQE1 exam, it is essential to go through all MCC objectives and their related topics. This can be quite overwhelming for students by looking at the sheer size of the objectives to be covered and information to be remembered. But with the use of the right tools like our timed and tutor modes of topic-wise study, you can overcome it and shine. Time and tutor modes you designed to help you prepare better for the MCCQE1 exam.
However, we recommend trying Ace Qbank self-assessments after you have done the question bank. Assessments are true simulations of the MCCQE1 exam and designed based on the MCC objectives, and each contains 120 yield questions, different from those in the question bank to accurately assess your preparation and determine if you are prepared for the actual exam by offering a thorough analysis of your performance. The most interesting part is the MCC objective that is present in the reference section of each question, so the objective of any question answered incorrectly can be traced and reinforced. In a nutshell, assessments give you the opportunity to detect weakness and turn it into your strength before actual exam day.
Ace Qbank’s approach to the MCCQE part 1 is unique, and it is a novel and innovative resource to aid in the MCCQE Part 1 preparation. You have the vision; we have the way to get you there. Try out the Ace Qbank demo or sign up today. See and feel the distinct approach.
We would appreciate your feedback on how to improve Ace Qbank and wish you the best of success in your preparation.