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A 36-year-old right-handed woman sees a neurologist for persistent pain in her right forearm and hand, not relieved by naproxen or a wrist brace. She experiences aching pain aggravated by use and numbness in her thumb and fingers, worse during work as an assembly-line worker. She's otherwise healthy, takes an oral contraceptive, had an appendectomy, and is married with two children; her husband works in accounting.  The patient has normal vital signs and a BMI of 28. She has normal range of motion and muscle strength in both arms but perceives weakness in her right arm. Sensation to light touch is reduced on the palmar aspect of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the right hand. Tinel signs are negative over the peripheral nerves, except tapping over the medial forearm just distal to the elbow causes mild paresthesia in the thumb and index finger on the right side only. Radiographs of the elbow, forearm, and wrist are normal, as are the results of routine blood tests. Which of the following diagnoses is most likely,

Based on the patient's history and physical examination findings?

Real-Life cases to ensure you are ready for your MCCQE1 Exam!

Ace Qbank Clinical Edge


Ace Qbank Clinical Edge

Making the proper diagnosis is one of the most important aspects of any medical student’s or junior doctor’s clinical training and hence we created Clinical Edge Cases.

Ace Qbank Clinical Edge helps our students put their knowledge of symptoms and physical findings to test by applying clinical reasoning and assessment concepts to a series of common clinical vignettes. Problem-based learning is being used to focus on the cause behind the presentation of a simulated clinical case.

Each simulated Clinical Edge case contains a list of common causes of the presented condition, offers abundant references to the presented case, making additional information easy to find

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